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Table 5 Crude odds ratio on the association between socio-demographic and obstetric characteristics and HPV positivity

From:Prevalence of vaccine and non-vaccine human papillomavirus types among women in Accra and Kumasi, Ghana: a cross-sectional study

Parameter n (%) Χ2(pvalue) Β (pvalue) OR 95% CI
Demographic characteristics
Age group, years 4.283 (0.232)
≤ 25 8 (2.5) 1
25–44 215 (67.8) − 1.332 (0.108) 0.264 0.052–1.337
45–64 87 (27.4) − 1.495 (0.077) 0.224 0.043–1.176
≥ 65 7 (2.2) − 2.015 (0.085) 0.133 0.013–1.318
Education 18.878 (0.000)
< SHS 188 (59.3) 1
≥ SHS 129 (40.7) 1.014 (0.000) 2.756 1.735–4.377
Marital status 0.003 (0.954)
已婚或同居 205 (64.7) − 0.014 (0.954) 0.986 0.620–1.569
Single/widowed/divorced 112 (35.3) 1
Occupation 3.117 (0.077)
Economically activea 275 (86.8) 0.620 (0.081) 1.859 0.927–3.728
Not economically activeb 42 (13.2) 1
Obstetric characteristics
Age at first pregnancy (years) 12.508 (0.028)
≤ 17 27 (8.5) 1
18–21 97 (30.6) 1.605 (0.006) 4.976 1.601–15.470
22–25 76 (24.0) 1.377 (0.020) 3.961 1.247–12.587
> 25 59 (18.6) 1.579 (0.009) 4.852 1.492–15.771
Never pregnant 37 (11.7) 2.021 (0.001) 7.547 2.173–26.214
Do not remember 21 (6.6) 1.654 (0.017) 5.227 1.336–20.450
Gravidae 4.114 (0.128)
0 37 (11.7) 1
1 36 (11.4) − 0.272 (0.563) 0.762 0.303–1.915
≥ 2 244 (77.0) − 0.654 (0.067) 0.520 0.259–1.046
Parity 3.653 (0.301)
0 63 (19.9) 1
1 52 (16.4) − 0.438 (0.249) 0.645 0.306–1.360
2–4 162 (51.1) − 0.142 (0.634) 0.868 0.485–1.555
> 5 40 (12.6) − 0.699 (0.097) 0.497 0.218–1.135
  1. Bold font:pvalue <0.05
  2. aEconomically active—engages in paid work
  3. bNot economically active—has no paid work, pensioner or housewife